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Our Advocacy Priorities

Every summer, the MoDE Foundation Board of Directors determines its priorities for they year with the help of the Advisory Council. Most priorities have multiple goals related to them. Some priorities require legislative action. When this happens, we work with Missouri Disability Empowerment. Our role is to educate others about the issue and to make our members aware of MoDE's efforts in getting the legislative change.

Law Attorney

Special Education Legal Advocacy Fund

School Board Recording Policy

Speech Implementer Model

Restroom Map


SEPTAs in Missouri

More About Our Advocacy Efforts

While our main advocacy efforts are changing school board recording policy, creating a Restroom Map App, changes to the Speech Implementer Model, and supporting the formation of more SEPTAs in Missouri, our advocacy is not limited to this. We have had conversations regarding seclusion and restraints in schools, Medicaid reimbursement for therapies, and government oversight of some disability programs. We will take on issues as they come. 


MoDE Foundation does not lobby for specific legislation. We will educate people about the issues related to legislation, but it is MoDE's role to advocate for specific legislation.  


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