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Legal Advocacy Grant Application

Grant applications have opened for 2022!


To get a copy of the application and apply, please email

Unsure if you need a grant or just some meeting support?


Do you need help with the special education journey? 


Do you have questions about an IEP/504 or the process?


Send us an email at and we will be happy to talk with you!


What if I don't know the answers to the questions on the application?

That's OK.  Please fill out as much of the information that you can to start the process.  The most important in the beginning of the process is your contact information.


What happens after I submit the application?

Once your application is submitted, then it will be reviewed by our Review Panel.  You may be contacted requesting additional information/questions, if needed.   


What is the Review Panel?

The Review Panel is comprised of special education professionals (such as attorneys, advocates, educators, etc) that will review the application, and give a recommendation of what would be the best way to assist the family.


What types of response can I expect?

The Review Panel will offer a recommendation to the family.  This recommendation could range from meeting with one of our lay advocate volunteers, providing a grant to meet with/hire a professional advocate, providing a grant to meet with/hire an attorney, or other options as deemed appropriate by the Review Panel.


Will my information be confidential?

Your personal information will be confidential and not shared; however, MoDE Foundation does track demographics, data and non-specific information about the cases reviewed, and grants provided.  This data is used to show the effectiveness and need of the program as well as ensure the appropriate use of resources.


Who is paid the grant money?

Any grant funds will be paid directly to the professional service provider.


Does the Review Panel recommend specific professionals?

No.  If the Review Panel awards a grant, then the family may choose their own professional as long as that professionals meets the requirements of the grant program.  Even though a specific professional will not be recommended, the fund will provide a resource list to assist the family in finding a professional.


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