MoDE Foundation Family
Holiday Photo Album
Let's take a moment and enjoy the wonderful families of MoDE Foundation. This is why we exist. We are so thankful and hopeful for the changes we can make together.
We would love to add YOUR photos. The photo can be an old favorite, or something new. Horizontal pictures work best for the album. Please submit them here.
Don't Forget:
MoDE Foundation is part of CoMoGives this year.
There is still time to make a donation through CoMoGives. Don't Delay.
We are parents, providers, family members, engaged citizens, and friends of varying abilities with a focus on disability issues that really matter! This includes YOU!
What Did You Do?
Thanks to YOUR support, amazing things happen, such as:
- Providing FREE Support to families in special education
- Providing Grants to families for advocacy or legal issues through the
Special Education Legal Advocacy Fund
- Creating RestroomApp
- Establishment of a Coalition
- Encouraging creation of SEPTAs
- Educatinging lawmakers on disability related issues that result in change, such as recording IEP meetings (2021), Seclusion and Restraints (2021), and expansion of autism mandate to other disabilities.
Just to name a few!
Navigating Our Site
This site features the work of MoDE Foundation. MoDE Foundation's advocacy priorities include education about current disability issues in Missouri, promoting inclusivity, and advocating for non-legislative policies and practices related to disabilities. Learn more about MoDE Foundation by reading its Vision and Values and History. Find out how you can get involved with MoDE Foundation's work by joining the coalition.
We have done our best to make this site accessible to all individuals. If you have trouble accessing parts of the site, please contact us so we can fix it.